Monday, May 29, 2017

Re-Modeling and Cleaning Out the Garage-Another DIY Project

Nothing is pre-planned with us.  We don't decide to just clean out the garage when the temperature is 102 degrees for 3 days. It just happens.  It just happened, one project was done, so Frank had some time available, so this is what happened.  I forgot to take a photo of how horrible the garage looked in the very beginning, but I guess everyone has a messy, horrible garage.
I have classes throughout the year and sometimes I have them inside the house, such as knitting, crocheting, cooking, rug making, things like that.  My husband and daughter said to me, why don't I just fix up the garage and have the classes out there?  Lots of room, gosh knows we never use it for A CAR!!! Can make lots of messes in there, etc. etc. Not a bad idea.
Well, I did need to go through stuff anyways, so I decided to just take a few days and CLEAN OUT THE GARAGE.  Mr. Make "anything", suggested he re-wire the garage so I have enough plugs, extra lighting and he wanted to re-do the wiring anyways, he didn't like how it was done.  As Frank re-wired, I started moving everything to the center of the room so he could get around the room.  That is what he suggested.
After I half way started going through stuff, Mr. Build "anything", said, "Why don't we just buy a few sheets of some wall covering and we could at least close up a couple walls of the bare 2/x/4 construction."  Off to Lowe's we went and we found some really nice, real wood T&G wall boards.  Mr. Build "anything" said to do 2 of the side walls, we would need 10 sheets.  Yes, it was 94 degrees that day, us seniors loaded up 10- 4' x 8' sheets into a cart, paid for it and then loaded it into our truck and then when we got home, unloaded it.  We nearly killed ourselves.

Frank said he needed more room to be able to put the boards up.  Once again, I moved the STUFF that was in the center of the room, outside in front of the garage and near the patio. It was like a floodgate of items, all except the Christmas decorations up in the rafters; the freezer; my old 1820's cabinet I have never been able to part with mainly because it is so heavy, you can't move it. Oh and 4 metal shelves that had paint, metal, spray cans; the list goes on and on of items (and possibly rats or mice) lurking in and around them.
With my neck and back killing me, Frank lovingly installed the new boards-up to the metal racks.  Stating, the metal shelving has to go in order for him to complete his task.
This was very liberating though, I have to say.  10 years worth of garage items that needed to be inspected and decided what to do with them.  And 10 years worth of various paint cans.  That actually was very interesting because out of 28 gallon cans, I was able to take the paint codes off the tops, and about 20 cans were dried up to nothing-ness to be taken to the recycling place.  Of the 8 cans left, 2 were new Venetian plaster I had originally purchased to do the hall bath; 3 I use all the time as they are the baseboard, trim in the house; 2 are outside house paint we recently purchased to touch up some outside areas of the house and 1 can is the paint that matches 4 rooms in the house-which I need to have matched because the paint code is worn off on the lid.  Is this all boring to you?
The 2 walls are done and my yard looks like I am going to have a sale.  (Frank knows how to work me, if he says the whole project at once, I would probably say no we can't afford it, can't do it.)
Mr. Build "anything" says, you know for only 7 more sheets you can have your whole garage done, all the walls covered in nice T&G panels.  Off we go back to Lowe's, same routine, load, unload, load, unload. Now there isn't anything along the walls, the metal racks are empty and moved outside. That day it was 98 degrees and I had 2 fans going in the garage while we both had soaking wet teeshirts on.

I asked the stupid question, after all the walls were finished, "Don't they need to be painted?" Since Frank did all this wiring and panels for me, I am actually the official painter in the family, and I could at least paint. Which I did, 1 whole 90 degree day.  But I was smart, I found a 5 gallon full of a nice mint green paint which I have absolutely no idea where it came from, but it turned out to be great paint and I had enough.

Mr. Build "anything" says, "what are you going to do with all this stuff now that all those metal racks are moved out?  (GOOD QUESTION) I could build you some nice wooden shelving and make them any size you want and have the outside covered with cabinet doors.  All I would need is 2 more sheets of the T&G boards and a couple 2x4s". Another day, off we go back to Lowe's, load, unload, then unload into his shop to cut them up into wooden cabinets with doors.  We have officially purchased 19 sheets of T&G wooden and very heavy sheets.
Yesterday, Frank built me the shelves and I started putting things away.  This time, I am planning on being organized.  Spray paints in tubs; cleaning supplies in tubs; small Chalk Paint supplies in tubs, etc. etc.  Even my new canning jars in their boxes had 2 shelves.
But what about all this stuff still outside???  My upholstery supplies; the wing back chair I am planning on upholstering; doors; chairs; old drawer pulls, dog leases, need I go on? All I did was put away the stuff on one shelf that had previously been on the metal racks?
Stay tuned for part 2-putting it all away-where is it going to go?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I heard about these Dryer Balls some time ago, but never got around to finding more about them.  Recently, I had to purchase some fabric softener and couldn't believe how much the price had gone up since the last time I purchased it.  So I decided to make these dryer balls.  And besides, if a project has to do with yarns, I am willing to try it.
In case you don't know about them, they take the place of dryer sheets or liquid fabric softeners in your dryer.  Simple, you throw them in with your wet cloths, in your dryer, shut the door and turn it on.  They can be used over and over again, I have heard over 1000 times.
Here are some of the pros about using the dryer balls:
⇾Economical-reduces waste, reusable
⇾Environmental-no harmful chemicals or perfumes
⇾Savings-It has been stated it reduces dryer time by 25%-the more balls you place in the dryer, the faster the cloths dry
⇾Softens clothes, reduces static, decreases wrinkles

I have seen these dryer balls for sale from $2 each up to $8 each for the Alpaca ones.  But you can make them much cheaper.

Here's how:
Purchase wool yarn.  Any size skeins, any size yarns.  
What I do is look for yarns on sale via craft stores such as Joann's, Michael's.  Or look for yarns at thrift stores or yard sales.  They have to be 100% wool, no synthetics.

1.  Start winding your yarn around 2 fingers of your hand about 10 times, pull them off your fingers, turn the wound group, and wind around it another 10+ times; turn those strands and you are starting the center of your dryer ball.

 Keep the winding tight and keep wrapping your strands and turning your ball and see it grow.  

Out of one 450 yard skein, I got 3 balls.  On another skein I found on sale, less yardage, I got one ball and started another one and got about 1/2 way the size I needed, so started another skein, different color right on top of it and finished it.  Doesn't matter.
2.  When about 4" to 5" around or even larger, stop and tuck under the end very well inside so it doesn't hang out.

3.  Cover the yarn balls with your nylon hose.  You can use knee highs or one leg of a panty hose.  (Do you remember those days of panty hose?) If you don't have any, buy the cheapest you can find or raid your Mother's drawer, I bet she still has some.

4. Between each yarn ball inside the nylon stocking, tie a knot of cotton thread.  Don't use the wool because when you wash it, it also will felt.

5.  Wash these balls with the hottest water in your washer along with dish towels or towels or Levi's.  On my washing unit, in order for the machine to allow me to use the hottest level, it had to be on "Sanitary" cycle.  I washed them twice. You use soap in the wash.

6.  The balls should feel like felt, solid and compressed.  Peel off or cut off the nylon around the balls.
 You are done!!!  I have read that it is best to have at least 3 of them in the dryer with cloths to dry.

The one thing I noticed in my dryer is that I hear more banging noise inside the tub.  Maybe the balls I use are larger.

Because there is no scent, you can use oils like lavender or citrus scents on the balls if you wish to have your laundry have a smell.
Another option is to use these dryer balls for certain laundry loads that you don't care about the smell, and go back to using your softener sheets or liquid softener to the loads that you do wish to have scented.

I hope you found this DIY blog helpful and interesting enough to try the dryer balls yourself!!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

MOTHER"S DAY FLOWERS-The Busiest Flower Day Of The Year

We have had wind, rain, more wind, more rain, cool weather for months and months. Then for 2 days we have had high 80 degree heat.
But believe it or not, our Windmill Farm have flowers blooming!!!
I am running some special container and flower sales for Mother's Day.  Gosh, it is only 2 days away so I needed to tell you about them. All arrangements will be fresh, local, beautiful country bouquets.

Here are some of my containers.  Oh, I have loads and loads more, but I thought I could possibly make some decision making a little easier if I showed them to my customers.

Pricing:  Pretty darn cheap.  $15-in the "Mom's" cups; vintage tea mug or small bowl with painted roses; colorful striped/chevron tin buckets; glass vase.
$25 arrangements:- recycled pallet wood boxes 5"x5";colorful tin buckets; tall glass vase; large white coffee mug. $35 arrangement in pallet 13"x4" wooden box or a large glass vase. FLOWERS will be fresh picked roses, hydrangeas, dusty miller, bachelor buttons, possibly tulips, scabiosa, queens Anne lace, statice, lily, lavender and lots more. I am charging a delivery fee of $5 on Sunday, Mother's Day. Order now!!!


Manufacturer commented on planting flowers and vegetables using: “weed mat are a game-changer in landscaping projects. They provide long-lasting weed control with…”
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Anonymous commented on hoosier cabinets and bin tables: “I have a Hoosier cabinet, I was wondering how much it would be worth.”
Anonymous commented on mccoy and bauer pottery re visited: “Thank you for sharing your beautiful collection. Within the last few years I have discovered…”