Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Farm Wreath Class, Decorating For Christmas

Did all of you have a great Thanksgiving?  We sure did, we had our beautiful family and friends over to a full fledged, all traditional style food spread.  It killed me to purchase green beans and what a disappointment they were from our home grown ones.  But what can you do in  November!!!
I made a couple pumpkin pies using my own crust recipe, no store bought already made crusts for me.  The usual cranberry salad made with fresh cranberries, oranges and apples. That is always a hit.
Grand kids made gingerbread men decorated with frosting, raisins and sprinkles.  Turns out one looked like Grandpa Frank, white hair and white mustache.
House was filled with love and joy and 6 dogs-that is always an experience when it comes time to feed them.
Now that December is here, count down until Christmas.  But most importantly, count down until my two farm fresh wreath making classes that are scheduled for this Wednesday, December 3rd and Thursday, December 4th.  Still room for 1-2 people either day.  I had a last minute switch happen with a couple of people as the dates conflict with some local events in town.  
I decided to have the classes in Frank's shop instead of the house to have more room for a few more people and LOTS more messes.  His shop has a huge center work table, heat and space.  Problem is, I have to help Frank clean it up before Wednesday of saw dust and tools.  That is what we will be doing on Tuesday along with cutting lots and lots of berries and greens.
We had so much fun last year at the wreath class.  This time I want to have a photo wall so each person can show off their individually made wreaths.  
Believe it or not, I went out on Sunday and purchased a 9' real tree from a local feed store that sells noble firs.  Frank was such a good sport, he took down all the Christmas decorations from the garage attic and put the stand on the tree and together we moved it to the favorite spot.
Out come the lights, setting up some small faux trees here and there; so far the basics are done.  Now starts the week long putting on the ornaments.  But I am thinking, this year, I want only white decorations.  Possibly paint a bunch of pine cones white; spray Christmas snow on some new bulbs to make them white; white lights, white garland.  Like a tree sitting in the middle of a snow storm.  At least that is my plan for now except it may have to wait as I get ready for the wreath classes.
We want our classes to be a wonderful experience for the people who support our farm, pay their money and are excited to go home with a beautiful wreath.
Will get back to you in a few days with photos of class #1 and class #2.
What kind of Christmas decorations are you thinking about doing this year?

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