We have started opening up our Flower CSA memberships. This is the first year for it and I have many rows of different flowers planted so that each bouquet will be filled with wonderful blossoms. This was our first bucket of flowers: lilac, iris, roses, lavender, mint, rosemary. We will be able to deliver bouquets every other week; once a month or even for special times. Think of us when you need flowers. There is nothing better than having flowers that are fresh picked from a country garden instead of flown over 1500 miles from over seas to be placed in plastic at a grocery store. If interested in joining our Windmill Farm Flower CSA, contact me at windmillfarm@sbcglobal.net; 530-846-3344 phone; or Facebook me at Windmill Farm. Our produce CSA memberships are full at this time but we will gladly add your name to the waiting list. If our produce really does well this year; and our allocation of water remains as stated, we may add a few slots once we get going with deliveries.

Unfortunately, Frank prepared the soil to plant a month ago, but it rained and up came the weeds and it was hard as a rock!!! So he disked the area one last time and I have been rushing to get these seedlings in and drip tapes in place to water.
The potatoes have been planted for several weeks and were given a new cover of some soil and topped off with straw.
We did play a little hookie from the farm for a few days and went camping with the grand kids at our favorite camp site, Sycamore Ranch. The weather was perfect, kids loved to fish and we played lots of games; and sat around the campfires. Perfect time spent over school Easter Vacation.
Surprise when we got home, next morning a stray chicken brought out 10 new chicks to show off to us. She had been sitting on her eggs in our front ivy.
Never a dull moment here at Windmill Farm