Thursday, June 15, 2017


Sorry for the delay.  I have been tweaking some things in the garage and Frank hasn't had time to finish putting up my antique industrial lights yet.  But wanted to show you how cool it looks, for a garage anyways.  If you didn't read Part 1 of the garage makeover, check it out here.

Reminder:  This stuff all came out of there. 

Funny side note.  I had 3 of these metal shelving where all the junk sat on.  We pulled them out and had them ready to go to the dump. I told Frank, let's clean them up and put them out front of the house as "free".  They weren't horrid, just a bit rusty, old.  We put them out with a sign on them that they were free.  I noted the time.  After the 4th car went by, less than 15 minutes, someone stopped with a truck and loaded up all 3 shelving units!!!  Hot Dog, someone is happy; we are happy we didn't have to take them to the dump; good that the dump didn't end up with something, someone could use.
 This is what the walls looked like after clean out and when Frank was doing the re-wiring:

Gosh it was amazing how big the garage seemed with everything, well almost everything out of there.  Just my huge and heavy antique cabinet and the freezer left.
Frank built me some cabinets, with doors out of the left over wall T&G wood and scraps.  He is amazing.  I painted everything. I even painted the inside of the garage doors with some Annie Sloan paint I had and also painted the front of the "man" door garage door a gloss black.

Now everything is organized, inside the cabinets with closed doors.

A few items I had in the garage that came from our old fishing cabin we sold several years ago; and just can't give them up.  The long stick hanging horizontal, is actually a wooden measuring stick for tank levels, found on a farm with advertising on it.
Another interesting and fun story.  I had other antique items I had in the garage that came from the cabin or just never fit into the house.  I thought about selling them individually, but remembered a sweet friend Julie.  She does those pop up antique sales and helped me once with a friend's estate sale.  I gave her a call saying I had a nice stash of items she could use-free.  She happened to be home that day and came right over.  Loved the items and she appreciated it very much.  Julie is a hard working, very nice person and I was happy to give her some merchandise she could sell; plus she was doing me a favor.  As we loaded up her van, inside, she had been to a sale the day before and had an old metal bread or display rack.  I loved it!!!  So she gave it to me.  See it above, empty and ready to use. I am thinking I may use it for craft supplies or ribbons. Thanks Julie!
I also had an old shelf; some string in a jar, etc. etc.  This happened to make a great garage display that is useful too.
Isn't the wall of T& G look nice?  I love this stuff.  
This industrial and vintage rack came from our daughter, Celli.  I have had it for a while because I couldn't find the perfect place for it out at my sorting/floral design studio or in the house.  This spot is perfect, it is above the well tank.  It is holding the information on the pump; pump extra parts (because if anyone on a well knows that the pump always goes out on a weekend, or at night or aholiday.  No pump, no water in the house!!!) The automatic sprinkler information to re program them; garage door opener information.  All handy.  And look at that beautiful new electrical plug!!!  They are all around the room, lots and lots of them and up higher, not on the floor where you have to go looking for them and have to bend over.  Cool Frank!!!
Frank is still working on some antique drop lights, as I mentioned so will do an update later.  Whenever I get to re-upholstering that antique wingback chair sitting in the corner, with all the necessary batting, fabric, tool, supplies-that last corner will be all neat and tiddy too.
It is a garage, so I have to keep in mind, it isn't the house, don't get weird about it getting dirty or messy.  But for right now, we are actually enjoying it, so minimal, so neat.  We go out there and have lunch in it sometimes and enjoy it; or park our Mom & Pop Gator's in it in the evening.  And when I started painting that cute large, bird house Frank made (in addition it will be used to house some electrical components out front by the gate), everything was right in its' place, easy to find, easy to put away.

Here is the outside door at night, with my hanging Macrame plant holder I made when giving the macrame class a few months ago.  Oh, I found that plant holder in the garage when I cleaned it out, and this old wreath.  All came together perfectly!!!
PS-We went to the dump on Sunday which made the remodel official, the garbage was gone AND it just happened to be a re-cycling day so we were able to get rid of all those paint cans too.  A clean slate all around.
Thanks for coming back to see our final project.  Until next time on our Windmill Farm.


Manufacturer commented on planting flowers and vegetables using: “weed mat are a game-changer in landscaping projects. They provide long-lasting weed control with…”
Pam G commented on mccoy and bauer pottery re visited: “Wow! Amazing collection!”
Anonymous commented on hoosier cabinets and bin tables: “Did you ever find one. I have one”
Anonymous commented on hoosier cabinets and bin tables: “I have a Hoosier cabinet, I was wondering how much it would be worth.”
Anonymous commented on mccoy and bauer pottery re visited: “Thank you for sharing your beautiful collection. Within the last few years I have discovered…”