We held another fun class here at the farm. My friend and nursery owner Geneva brought a truck load of interesting small scale plants for us to use. She also brought a couple of the fairy gardens she made and selling at her nursery in the town of Glenn.
A sweet friend of mine brought two of her adorable grand children aged 5 years and 7 years; and another friend brought her teen-aged daughter and they made gardens together. They see the small gardening ideas from a totally different view than adults.
My great friend Jerry (ex mayor of Gridley) and woman extraordinaire came and she said she is going to devote a section of her garden to just be for her grand kids-fairy gardens.

Geneva brought the cutest miniature sets of rakes/hoes; some tiny watering cans; and some tiny clay pots. Then she showed us how to cut off tips of succulents that made into plants into the tiny pots; and a tiny vegetable garden.
All dreamy and darling and personal.
I am putting together some more dates and classes so keep coming back to check on what is scheduled. As I was talking to my friend who has come to many of my classes at the fairy garden day, she said she still is working on her crochet project she learned from me last year. I think we both agreed that I need to have a once a month knit and crochet night. People can bring any project they are working on to get inspired again to finish; or get through a difficult part; or just sit around and have an old fashioned girls craft night.
Are you interested? Write to me if you are at the little "envelope" below this blog, which actually is the comment button or email me at windmillfarm@sbcglobal.net if you want to be put on an email list to be notified of future classes. And lastly, there is Facebook-either check us out under Paula Carli or Windmill Farm.
Have a great week! Easter is coming up soon. I started growing these rye grass containers to use for Easter-easy and fun.
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