Monday, March 13, 2017

75 Degrees-Gardening Gardening; Macrame Class A Blast

Each class we have here at Windmill Farm is more fun than the last one, which actually is hard to believe.  People are wonderful and we all become good friends by the time we are finished with our projects.  It is like girls hanging out together chatter, sharing stories, laughing at our mistakes as we are learning new skills. They are a blast for me and I hope for the people that attend too.
The Learn To Macrame class was no exception.  Of course, we all had to discuss our evacuation stories which bonds us all to that horrible time.  Becka has horses, so I was curious what people with large animals did-there was no time, no warnings except TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.  We had some laughing out loud-hard, about how each person, each family dealt with this emergency situation and it amazes me how families, friends, and neighbors bonded together to help each other. Amazing stories that would make a fabulous book-what did you take with you when you had 30 minutes to leave your home. Why did I take Vick-why did Jen take powdered protein drink mix; Beth had 3 dogs and 2 cats in her car-not in cages!!  Even typing this is making me laugh at my computer screen.
So back to the class.  I believe a lot of people thought the class may be too simple, to easy, not worth learning to attend.  WRONG!!! You missed out on a lot of fun.   It is my belief that Macrame is just starting up and we will be seeing it everyplace and yes, it actually is easy, but not THAT easy.  It was said over and over how wonderful these would be to give as gifts.  
And by using different cords, jutes, beads, it changed each person's final plant holder even though we all were making the same design and using the same jute material for the 1st one.  
Then we moved on to a bit more complicated designs and people could pick whatever material they wanted to use to make their 2nd one now that their fingers could maneuver to tie the different knots and designs.

As usual, I forgot to take more completed photos because we ran over and in haste, bundling up all their completed pot hangers and gifts, I forgot!
This week as been a warm up weather week.  A few days have been semi-cloudy, but each day warming up until yesterday it was 75 degrees!!
There is so much pressure to get so much done, in such a short period of time. Frank has been painting his latest pergola between the house and garage.  Yesterday, I used the lawn blower and blew all the landscaping fabric in the flower section of the gardens.  I know that sounds weird, I thought it weird myself.  After all the dead plants from last year were removed and a winter of blowing leaves, dirt and debris on top of them-I wondered how I was going to clean them up.  I couldn't see the pre-existing holes to plant new seeds/plants.  The blower!!!  Actually, it worked and it inspired me to really get going out there.
Next Class-Making A Fairy Garden-This coming Saturday, March 18, 2017 here at our farm.  Geneva who owns a darling nursery, Garden Gleamings is teaching it.  She has to get back to open up her nursery, so we are starting our class a little early at 9:30-11:00am.  
All supplies are provided to make our fairy garden. Geneva will also be bringing some extra small plants if anyone wishes to purchase some from her to take home to make more fairy gardens.
Back outside to take advantage of this recent sunny weather.  Come back again-leave a comment below if you are enjoying my blog.  I am working towards revamping it as I know leaving comments isn't easy to figure out.  There is a tiny envelope at the bottom of the post and you click on that.  The boxes below to leave email, name, etc doesn't seem to be working.  Never enough time to figure Blogger out!!!
Happy Spring!

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