Thursday, July 28, 2016

CLASSES COMING AT WINDMILL FARM-Flower Arranging, Crocheting, Canning, Baking

I finally got my schedule together and have the next 5 month schedule for the classes being provided here at our farm.  Each one is special, unique, hands on and you go home with a skill, a product you made and friendships.
#1 Class-Crocheting Granny Squares Aren't for Grandmas Any Longer-newest craze coming back is crocheting.  With learning just a few stitches,
I will teach you how to make a pot holder, to a pillow; to an Afghan to a bedspread.  And the colors of yarns are bold, young and fun.  DATE:  August 9, 2016; TIME: 6:00-8:00pm. COST: $25.  Everything provided for you, yarns, needles, hands on instruction, pattern, light refreshments, door prizes.  Space is limited to call 530-846-3344; email: or Facebook me at Paula Carli or Windmill Farm

#2 Class/s-Flower Arranging At The Farm (2 Classes given): Cut the flowers you want to use in your arrangement right from our beautiful flower field. Then we will go to our cool outdoor design studio and we will take you on a step by step instruction on how to make a unique, country flower arrangement. Flowers, vases, all floral arranging supplies provided. And what a treat to walk thru a field of blooming flowers, you learn to make an arrangement and take the flowers home!!! I am giving this class two times to accommodate people's schedules. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 6-8pm.and Saturday

August 27, 2016, 10:00am - Noon. $30. All supplies provided + light refreshments.To sign up- 846-3344,, or FB
#3 Class-Canning class, September 7, 2016 6-8pm.
Learn to can/preserve. All canning items supplies + produce. $30.  I will know what product we will be canning as this date gets closer.  
We use fruits and/or veggies right from our farm so it will depend on what is ripe on September 7th.  This is a skill you will use off and on your whole life. Food prepared by you to eat when the product is no longer available.
 Sign up early as space is limited, we can in our cool, outdoor kitchen.

#4 Class-Learn To Make Stromboli-what a fabulous and easy way to make this delicious food which can
be used as a main course; for lunch; or an hors-d'oeuvre. October 6, 2016 6-8pm. It can be changed depending on what you want to fill it with, artichokes, tomatoes, cheeses, deli meats, pesto, pizza sauce, the list is endless-depends on your taste.

#5 Class -November (date to be determined) Learn to make Gnocchi, yum yum. This is fairly easy and loads of fun. You make it from potatoes, roll it out, cut into pieces and add sauces that you love. The Gnocchi can be cooked and eaten right away or it can be put in freezer to cook at a later date.

#6 Class - December - 2 dates (dates to be determined) Normally the first week in December in middle of the week.  Make your own fresh Holiday Wreath.
This is our 5th year giving this class and always a sell out on both days. We provide an array of greens, flowers, Christmas ornaments, bows, wreath frame + supplies and then take home a completed fresh wreath for your door for the holidays.

Check your calenders and contact us to sign up for any or all these classes.  We have people who attend over and over because they are so much fun, always learning a new skill.

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Manufacturer commented on planting flowers and vegetables using: “weed mat are a game-changer in landscaping projects. They provide long-lasting weed control with…”
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