When I look at our fields, the shape and colors are different. There are even some brown, dead spots where lush green foliage indicated where the cucumbers were growing.
The big leaves on watermelon plants indicated to me that it was finally time that our watermelon was ripe.
After Celli, our daughter had her Back To School, Teacher's Appreciation Farmer's Market event, we were asked by another school to provide produce. This time the Farmer's Market event was at a Roseville School and happened to be scheduled on the same day as our CSA deliveries.
Thank goodness for Frank, he got up early with me that Wednesday, helped me deliver all the CSA baskets because we gave each member their basket, a large watermelon and a honey dew melon. Sometimes that meant making 3-4 trips to one house if they also purchased flowers and eggs. We finished around 2:30pm and we repacked the van and Frank drove to Roseville to unload the cases of fruits, vegetables, watermelon, flowers and basil for their event.
While Frank was gone, I had to put together all the flower arrangements that were going to the Gridley Fair Taste of Butte County event. This is a very special event where all the local businesses that grow or produce items present them; each having a large table. Our farm was asked to provide large flower arrangements for the center of each table along with smaller arrangements for a long sitting/tasting table. I started the arrangements around 3:00pm and didn't finish them until 9:00pm. In the cooler they went and were delivered to the fairgrounds the next morning.
It is hectic, but fun too. just sorry we both aren't about 20 years younger to have started farming and doing what we absolutely love doing sooner. What I always tell people if you love to grow things, love to garden, would love to get a small farm some day and do what we are doing. Don't wait, do it now, it is truly a wonderful way of life. And the people we meet because of our small farm, are perfect.
We have a tomato canning class scheduled for this coming Tuesday, August 26th, 6-8:30pm. We will be canning whole or cut up fresh tomatoes from our farm; and while those are in the cooker;
we will be making some special jam I made last year with Sarah, Balsamic/tomato/basil jam that you put over goat or any type of cheese as a dip; or on crackers. It is totally yummy!!! Give us a call if you think you can make it to the class. Cost is $25 which includes all the produce needs; all the jars and canning supplies; hands on canning instruction; handouts; light refreshments; door prizes.
Hope you come back to our blog again.
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