First of all, our Extreme Coupon class was a huge success, thanks to the instructor/s Heather Mauel and our daughter Celli Baker. I am or should I say, WASN'T an extreme coupon person before. I was careful about my buying; would check the weekly ads; have a Safeway and Staples reward card, but that was it. We learned How to shop; where to find coupons; getting organized; timing of sales and promotions; cycles and basically learning the "lingo".
Second great news this week. I received an email from Tractor Supply asking me if our farm would want to be an affiliate for them and to place a banner/button on my blog. I was very thrilled to say yes, as we use Tractor Supply products all the time here on the and it is a perfect fit for people who have small farms; or have animals; or need fencing; or tractor/car parts; or looking for clothes that are well made and last!! They are going to start their Chick Days next month where they have live chicks in the store. With my new chicken coop, this year I am going to raise my own chicks, I know my grand kids will love to participate in raising them.
So if you have a chance after visiting my blog, please click on the banner at the top of my blog or on the right side of my blog and go look at Tractor Supply. Thank you for doing that.
Hope you all enjoy this short bit of great weather here in Northern California. We are out disking the fields and we planted over 20 new fruit trees yesterday. Farming season has begun here at Windmill Farm.
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