We have been working like crazy to use up the last of our vegetables and fruits by either drying them or canning them. We have had such an abundance of peppers, tomatoes and my flowers have just bloomed and bloomed their little hearts out.
This week at our applesauce canning class, we had 9 women of all ages talking away around a big table in our sorting/outdoor kitchen laughing and joking as if they were old friends yet had only met at the class. By the end, emails and text numbers were exchanged all around. One girl purchased a table from another person who we all learned re-furbishes old furniture and paints them; one person was going to yard sales on the weekend to look for a dresser with another person saying she had one she would gladly give to her. Young mothers talking about their children, it was so delightful to experience such common good will and friendships. All while working away peeling, chopping and cooking applesauce!! As I checked my texts and emails before going to bed, I had 6 new Facebook members and loads of new messages all saying how much fun they had at our class. Today's busy women, connecting and learning.
We are planning a future bread making class. It seems that with the bread making machines that came out a few years ago, people went crazy making bread, but I don't hear much about it now. With the cooler weather coming up, I was thinking maybe people would be interested in learning how to make bread without using a bread machine. I am also going to be giving a class on making the Farmer's Market bags using the recycled feed sacks. People can re-use/re-cycle bags; create their own; and learn some simple sewing skills and maybe make some to give away as gifts for the holidays. Last year I made several and put gifts specific to certain friends and family members inside the bags I made for them. One family member has horses so I made a bag that had a horse picture on the front of the feed sack; one friend loves rabbits, so I made a bag using rabbit feed. One friend loves birds, so I made a market bag using a wild bird seed sack. It is amazing how beautiful many of the feed sack graphics are on the front, or even sometimes on the back side of bags.
This is the time of year when Frank and I finally relax a little and not feel so much pressure to keep our crops, yard, and business going. It is nice to just sit and chat about what we will be planting next year!!!
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