Our farm is located in a predominately farming community. When the weather has been good, we have been disking, along with all the other farmers preparing the fields by mowing in between the fruit trees; or rotatilling or making ridges to plant vegetables. This means that with the wind, we have had loads of dust in the house which has been driving me crazy. So I have been trying to spring clean to keep up with it. And we are remodeling our hall bathroom making more messes and dust in the house.
I have started spring cleaning the back bedroom that we call the grand kid's room. Frank had made these headboards and I covered them with linen fabric last fall. As I was dusting every item in the room, I noticed that the dust ruffles were uneven. If you have ever changed dust ruffles, you know what I mean when I say they are such a problem. Especially the bigger the bed, the heavier it is to lift the mattress up to pull the dust ruffle between the top and bottom mattress. Well I thought of a way to save me that time.I purchased the Velcro, sticky back roll, 3/4", both sides tape. I cut the Velcro into about 4-5 inch strips. I cut off the center piece of the dust ruffle fabric, the part that goes under the mattress about 2" above the ruffle so you basically end up with just the long ruffle part, no center. Next time I will sew the raw edge under to make a nice clean edging, but I was in a hurry and wanted it done.
I will soon be outside planting my fields but at least the house will be clean-temporarily!!!
My last blog talked about collecting and I saw another "collection" on my wall yesterday that I missed.
Also purchased an item I saw talked about on another blogger site as a great purchase price that gives dramatic results. They were right-Home Depot-I could have hung it up in a number of locations.
Thank you for visiting Windmill Farm and Country Design. We are living a wonderful life here on the farm, fixing up an old house, growing our own food and fulfilling our dreams.